2015 CA Civil Seismic Exam CodeMaster Set
CodeMaster Set:
"2015 CA Civil Seismic Exam Set"

Developer: S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
$19.00 [orig: $22.00] Add to Cart
Seismic Design (2015 IBC and ASCE 7-10)
Seismic Design (2015 IBC and ASCE 7-10)

This 6-page laminated reference guide provides an easy-to-follow 11-step procedure for seismic design in accordance with the 2015 IBC and ASCE 7-10, with emphasis on the seismic design of a typical one-to-three story building. Illustrations are provided for many of the difficult to understand requirements. Subjects addressed include determination of mapped spectral response accelerations; consideration of exceptions to the seismic code requirements...Read More

Seismic Design Category (2015 IBC / ASCE 7-10)
Seismic Design Category (2015 IBC / ASCE 7-10)

This two-page laminated, handy reference tool contains everything you need to know about the determination of seismic design categories. It is a great time-saving tool and provides a step-by-step procedure to determine a structure's seismic design category in accordance with the 2015 IBC and ASCE 7-10. Shortcuts and illustrations are provided to help quickly assess applicability of exceptions and find the needed information...Read More